Plate solving software
Plate solving software

plate solving software
  1. #Plate solving software how to
  2. #Plate solving software install
  3. #Plate solving software drivers

  • Raspberry Pi 4 (recommended) or Raspberry Pi 3 (minimal).
  • Support for raspi-config (console) and rc_gui (graphical UI) for easy configuration of Raspberry Pi options.
  • File sharing server allowing for network access to captured images.
  • plate solving software

  • Virtual GPS for users who do not have GPS device.
  • Astroberry Motor HAT for focuser based on Adafruit Motor HAT.
  • #Plate solving software drivers

  • Astroberry PiFace drivers for focuser and relay board.
  • Astroberry DIY drivers for focuser and relay board.
  • SER Player for watching captured video streams (only in precooked image).
  • ASTAP, the Astrometric STAcking Program (only in precooked image, see Updating).
  • Astrometry for field solving (index files not provided and must be downloaded separately).
  • CCDciel capture software (only in precooked image).
  • Hallo Northern SKY planetarium program (only in precooked image).
  • Sk圜hart / Cartes du Ciel planetarium program (only in precooked image).
  • KStars planetarium software and Ekos with all available device drivers plus custom astroberry drivers.
  • INDI framework with all available device drivers.
  • Remote desktop accessible over VNC at astroberry.local:5900 or a web browser at.
  • Astroberry Wireless Hotspot allowing to access the system directly i.e.
  • Web interface featuring GPS Panel and Astro Panel (celestial almanac for your localization).
  • #Plate solving software install

  • APT repository for Raspberry Pi OS (yes, now any Raspberry Pi OS user can install Astroberry Server with 'apt install').
  • Official Raspberry Pi OS Desktop by Raspberry Pi Foundation.
  • probably any other Raspberry Pi version released so far
  • Support for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4, Pi Zero and.
  • 8.13 How can I have multiple astroberries on the same network?.
  • 8.12 How can I download all astrometry files for offline platesolving?.
  • 8.11 How can I login to default pi user account?.
  • 8.10 My mount is not recognised in Kstars/Ekos?.
  • 8.9 What is the source of location data in GPS Panel and Astro Panel?.
  • 8.8 Screen resolution does not match my display.
  • 8.7 How can I change my regional settings or add support for my language?.
  • 8.6 I cannot login to astroberry HotSpot.
  • 8.5 My Astroberry seems to be locked on 2.4GHz, how can I use 5Ghz WiFi ?.
  • #Plate solving software how to

  • 8.4 How to connect to my wireless home network?.
  • 8.3 The image is too large for my microSD card.
  • 8.2 … but ASTAP isn‘t upgraded using the normal means?.
  • 5.3.3 How applications get location data.

  • Plate solving software